Uhq terrain & rocks & roads
Uhq terrain & rocks & roads

+Anniversary Anim Pack - Tale of Two Wastelands - 3.2.2 Patch 1. +Reload Animation Fix - Lever-Pump-Single action guns +ATTT - Armed to the Teeth - TTW Compatibility +ATTT - Armed to the Teeth - TTW 3.2 Patch +Enhanced Terrain LOD - TTW_NV_All_Texture_Packs +UHQNV Rocks - Roads and Terrain Overhaul +Ojo Bueno Texture Pack for FNV - PERFORMANCE # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. I suspect the issue is with the specific weapon meshes that are affected but the fact that they work totally fine switching perspective from one-way and not the other has me confused. 32 hunting Rifle ( that i've found so far) disabling Weapons animation replacer or anniversary animation pack does nothing, neither does disabling Enhanced camera. It only occurs if I equip the weapon in third person mode then switch to first person, if I equip the weapon in first person the mesh is totally fine even if I switch to third person and back.

Uhq terrain & rocks & roads